Forensic Psychiatric Evaluations

Our Forensic Psychiatric Services

Our Mission

Dr. Reich’s mission is to provide excellent forensic psychiatric assessments, reports and testimony.

Our Services

Dr. James Reich’s services are available for civil and some criminal law cases. Clients are assured of his personal dedication to each case. He does high quality research, expert evaluations, writes a solid report, and will testify well.


Dr. James Reich

Board Certified Forensic Psychiatrist

Dr. James Reich is a board-certified forensic psychiatrist with extensive civil psychiatry experience who has done hundreds of evaluations. After getting his M.D. from the University of Colorado Medical Center in Denver Dr. Reich earned his MPH at Yale University and did his psychiatric residency at UC Davis. Dr. Reich has held academic positions at Yale, Iowa, Harvard and Brown universities.  Currently he has teaching appointments at the professor level at both UCSF and Stanford. Throughout his career, he has published over a hundred peer-reviewed publications. He has been deposed over 50 times.

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  • What is typically included in a forensic evaluation?

    Most evaluations consist of an extensive record review, comprehensive diagnostic interview, appropriate psychological testing, and contact with relevant collateral sources. Dr. James Reich tailors each evaluation to the needs of the client.

  • Can a forensic psychiatrist help me deal with my mental health issues?

    Typically, forensic psychiatrists don't work with people outside of court situations. They don't follow patients through the course of mental health treatment unless they need to gain information for the courts, defense lawyers, employers, or others with a legal interest in the case.

    If you need to talk to a psychiatrist about a mental health issue outside of the legal arena, it's best to talk to a general psychiatrist or one who specializes in your type of mental health problems.

  • What are professional ethics expected from a forensic psychiatrist?

    Dr. Reich is a member of both the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the American Association of Psychiatry and the Law (AAPL). He follows the ethical guidelines of these two organizations.

  • What is a forensic psychiatrist?

A forensic psychiatrist is a medical doctor with specialized training and experience in the application of psychiatric knowledge to questions posed by the legal system. Some questions a forensic psychiatrist might receive are “Is the accused fit to stand trial? Should the teenager who brought a gun to school be suspended, expelled, or incarcerated? Can a person with a personality disorder knowingly intelligently waive their Miranda rights?”. Some of the things forensic psychiatrists do include providing psychiatric consultation in legal matters, and providing expert testimony in court cases. In summation, forensic psychiatry is a medical science that spans the fields of law, criminal justice, and psychiatry. If you think you may be in need of a forensic psychiatrist – please give us a call at 415-673-2229.

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